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Process of awarding titles


(Will choosed between VP 1 male and female from the Minor puppy class)



(Will choosed between VP 1 male and female from the PUPPY class)



(Will choosed between the Excellent 1 CAC male and female from the Veteran class)



-Will choosed between the Excellent 1 male/female from the Junior 1 and Junior 2 classes, separate the male and female)


*IFR  WORLD WINNER  male/female*


(Between the Excellent 1 CAC male/female from the Intermedia, Open, Working, Champion classes , separate the male and female)



(The competition between the Best junior male and female-IFR Junior World Winner male/female)


*HPJ-11. id. Fekete László memorial show BEST JUNIOR MALE/FEMALE*

-Will choosed between the Excellent 1 male/female from the Junior 1 and Junior 2 classes, separate the male and female)



*11. id. Fekete László memorial show BEST ADULT MALE/FEMALE*

-Between the Excellent 1 CAC male/female from the Intermedia, Open, Working, Champion classes , separate the male and female)



The special awards/titles: „Best foreign junior/adult” male and female can receive the dog:

-which has a foreign FCI pedigree and the dog is foreign owned OR

-which has foreign FCI pedigree with hungarian MEOESz stud book number and the dog is hungarian owned


*HUNGARIAN JUNIOR WINNER MALE/FEMALE* (Best junior male/female from hungarian breeding)

Will be choosed between the best placed Excellent rated in hungarian bred of the the Junior 1 and Junior 2 class, separate the male and female.

If the BEST JUNIOR male/female are from hungarian breeding,he/she  become automatically the “Hungarian junior winner male/female” title.

Not 1-4 placed dogs can’t receive this title.)



*HUNGARIAN ADULT  WINNER MALE/FEMALE* (Best adult  male/female from hungarian breeding)

Will be choosed between the best placed Excellent rated male/female from hungarian breeding of  the Intermedia, Open, Working, Champion class. 

If the BEST ADULT male/female are from hungarian   breeding, become automatically the “Hungarian adult winner male/female” title.

Not 1-4 placed dogs can’t receive this title.)



*FOREIGN JUNIOR WINNER MALE/FEMALE (Best junior male/female in foreign breeding)*

Will be choosed between the best placed Excellent rated in foreign breeding of the the Junior 1 and Junior 2 class, separate the male and female.

If the BEST JUNIOR male/female are in foreign breeding, become automatically the “Foreign junior winner male/female” title.

Not 1-4 placed dogs can’t receive this title.)



*FOREIGN ADULT WINNER MALE/FEMALE (Best adult male/female in foreign breeding)*

Will be choosed between the best placed Excellent rated male/female in foreign breeding of the Intermedia, Open, Working, Champion class. If the

BEST ADULT male/female are in foreign breeding, become automatically the “Foreign adult winner male/female” title.

Not 1-4 placed dogs can’t receive this title.)


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