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The wolf, with all its manifestations has to be considered as the progenitor of all our home dogs. It is hard to imagine that the little Chihuahua as well as the powerful Mastiff have the same forefather. But when we remember which kind of diversity has been created in the last 100 Years of pedigree dog breeding, the idea that small and big dogs came from the wolf as forefather is easier for us to understand. It is assumed that humans and dogs living together since more than 15000 years.

About the origin of the Rottweiler, there are existing several point of views. Bearing in mind, that the special suitability of the Rottweiler is the driving of cattle and this activity was executed long time ago, the ancestors of our Rottweiler can be found in the Roman Legions. The Romans used the Dogs as herding- and cattle dogs. Those dogs protected the humans as well as the cattle. Still today we can retrace the history of the old Roman military roads. One of those paths was guided over the Alps up to Lake Constance, then they reached the area of the present town called Rottweil – the city that gave its name to our Rottweiler.

19th Century

In the further course of the 19th Century, the Roman dogs were mated with long established sheepdogs. Over the last decades the dogs were selected for fitness for life, intelligence, endurance and driving abilities. Therefore they became indispensable helpers for drovers and butchers.

As already informed the dog was common in and around the former imperial city Rottweil and as a result out of this he was named Rottweiler. As the dogs stood in high esteem in Rottweil, the reason was that they proved their worth as sheep- and cattle dog.

In the 19th Century, Rottweil was a pronounced cattle mart. From there cattle and sheep were floated up to Breisgau, Elsass and into the Neckartal. For such cattle drives and in times of robbers and wolves and of course that lots of tracts of land were not populated – strong, persistent, calm and smart dogs were needed. A real butcher based in Rottweil and around had always several Rottweilers as they were mainly in charge of the livestock.

Overtime and due to the advent of railways and other vehicles the Rottweiler was knocked out of this useful work.

20th Century

Only at the beginning of the 20th Century the outstanding traits of the Rottweiler were remembered. The high usefulness of the breed was proven by the police, and in 1910 the Rottweiler became a recognized police dog.


Now and then the humans are enthusiastic from the Rottweiler. His loyalty and the diligence as well as his obedience and serenity proofs the high usefulness.

Even as family dog the Rottweiler is a reliable and loyal friend in case he is properly bred and socialized. Same as with the humans, the education and socialization starts as puppy. Each Rottweiler puppy is willing to learn, to integrate and to subordinate – to adapt to his horde. He is influenced by his environments. A proper education/training leads to friendship. Wrong, loveless dressage will spoil the dog and thus the coexistence between humans and dogs.

It is the human´s responsibility what is coming out of our breed Rottweiler! This concerns breeding, training, health and life together.

For the ADRK e.V. – which is currently the only Rottweiler association in Germany which is recognized by the VDH e.V. – more than 90 years of supervision of breeding illustrate experience, competence and commitment to preserve and likewise to improve this German breed and cultural property. By strictest breeding selection which we constantly adapt to the new challenges and environmental influences, the ADRK tries to improve the quality of our Rottweiler. Top priority of our breeding must be the health of our breed. Indication of health is the mental and physical resilience of our dogs.

The target of breeding is more than ever:
“Healthy and self-assured and friendly companion and family dogs associated with excellent shape and performance”!

Anytime the Rottweiler has fascinated humans, and we really hope that the Rottweiler will find more friends and of course we trust that the lovers of this wonderful breed will be delighted anew.

For the benefit of our dog as well as for the Rottweiler family all over the world.

The President of ADRK e.V.